The New International Encyclopædia/Knitchanin, Stephan Petroknitch
KNITCHANIN, knē'chȧ-nēn', Stephan Petroknitch (1809-95). A Servian general, born at Knitch. He was a merchant, and early gained great political influence with Prince Milosh, who promoted him in 1839 to the head of the Provincial Government of Semendria. When his patron fell, Knitchanin was exiled; but two years later (1842) he returned, on the invitation of Prince Alexander Karageorgevitch. He held command in the war with Hungary (1848) at the head of a Servian army of volunteers, but was unsuccessful, and had to retreat, and in 1849 to retire to Servia, where in 1854 Prince Alexander made him Minister of War and head of the Council.