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The New International Encyclopædia/Koreshan Ecclesia, The

From Wikisource

Edition of 1905. See also Koreshan Unity on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1204433The New International Encyclopædia — Koreshan Ecclesia, The

KO'RESHAN ECCLESIA, The, or Church Archtriumphant. A communistic body, founded by Cyrus R. Teed (born in Utica, N. Y., 1839, and a physician by profession). The terms Koreshan, Koreshanity, etc., are derived from Kōresh, the Hebrew form of Cyrus. They have three communities, two in Chicago and one at Estero, Lee County, Fla., which are said to be prosperous, and include 10,000 members. It is claimed that Teed is ‘the new Messiah now in the world,’ and many extravagant doctrines, both scientific and economic, are taught. They have an organ, The Flaming Sword, published at Chicago. Consult Hinds, American Communities (Chicago, 1902).