The New International Encyclopædia/Kruse, Heinrich
KRUSE, krōō'ze, Heinrich (1815-1902). A German dramatist and publicist, born at Stralsund. He studied philology at the universities of Bonn and Berlin. In 1847 he took up journalism, and in 1855 he became chief editor of the Kölnische Zeitung. He devoted himself, however, largely to play-writing. Of his dramas the following are considered of great merit: Die Gräfin, a tragedy (1868), which was awarded a prize by the Berliner Schiller Commission; Brutus (1874-82); Das Mädchen von Byzanz (1877-85); and Der Verbannte (1879-81). In most of his dramas Kruse outlines his characters with strength, and the play of human passion and action is expressed with true dramatic effect. He also wrote sea stories and poems.