The New International Encyclopædia/La Boétie, Etienne de
LA BOÉTIE, lȧ bō̇′ā̇′sē̇′, Etienne de (1530-63). A French translator from the Greek, and political thinker, known chiefly through the friendship of Montaigne (q.v.) for him. His youthful Contre un is a democratic declamation, the first republican protest to spring from the French Renaissance. La Boétie translated the Economics of Xenophon. The latest edition of his Works is by Bonnefon (Bordeaux, 1888). Consult, also, Bonnefon's chapter on Montaigne in Petit de Julleville, Histoire de la langue et de la littérature française, vol. iii. (Paris, 1896-1901).