The New International Encyclopædia/Liebling, Sally
LIEBLING, Sally (1859—). A German pianist, born at Posen. He studied, music and the piano under Bendel, Kullak, and Weitzmann in Berlin. He made a number of concert tours in Germany, and with Thomas's Orchestra in the United States (1875). He subsequently gave many recitals with well-known artists. In 1884 he studied for a time under the direction of Liszt at Weimar, and in 1888 founded the new conservatory of music at Berlin. — His brother, Georg (1865—), also became a distinguished musician. He studied the piano under the best masters, and made many European concert tours. In 1890 he was made Court pianist to the Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. His salon compositions are noteworthy, especially the Air de Ballet and Romance; a gavotte, and the vocal Lieblingswalzer, sung with great success by Nikita.