
The New International Encyclopædia/Möllhausen, Balduin

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Edition of 1905. See also Balduin Möllhausen on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1036886The New International Encyclopædia — Möllhausen, Balduin

MÖLLHAUSEN, mẽl'hou-zen, Balduin (1825—). A German traveler and novelist, born at Bonn. He studied agriculture in Pomerania, and spent several years in North America, traveling with Duke Paul of Württemberg (1851), and, at the instance of Humboldt, acting as draughtsman to a scientific expedition to the far West. After a second trip through the Western part of the United States, especially Colorado, he wrote Tagebuch einer Reise vom Mississippi nach den Kusten der Südsee (1858) and Reisen in die Felsengebirge Nordamerikas (1861). His many novels, mostly on American topics, include: Die Halbindianer (1861); Das Mormonenmädchen (1864; 3d ed. 1871); Das Monogramm (1874); Die beiden Yachten (1891); and Fegefeuer in Frappes Wigwam (1901).