The New International Encyclopædia/Minnesota, University of
MINNESOTA, University of. A coeducational State institution of higher learning in Minneapolis, Minn., established by an act of the Territorial legislature in 1851 and confirmed by the State Constitution adopted in 1857. The present charter was adopted in 1868, and the first collegiate work was begun in the following year. Its government is vested in a board of thirteen regents, nine appointed by the Governor of the State and holding office for six years, and three ex-officio members, the Governor, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, and the president of the university. By special act of the Legislature in 1895 John S. Pillsbury was made regent for life. The university comprises the following colleges, schools, and departments: (1) The graduate departments, with advanced courses in all branches except that of medicine. (2) The college of science, literature, and the arts, offering four-year courses, largely elective, leading to the degrees of bachelor of arts, science, literature, and philosophy, and including the School of Technical and Applied Chemistry. A summer school for teachers offers a six weeks' course in various university subjects. (3) The College of Engineering and the Mechanic Arts, offering four-year courses in civil, mechanical, and electrical engineering, and in science and technology, leading to the bachelor's degree. (4) The School of Mines, with a four years' course in mining and metallurgy, leading to the degrees of engineer of mines and metallurgical engineer. (5) The College of Agriculture, with a four years' course, leading to the degree of bachelor of agriculture. There is also a School of Agriculture, giving training for practical farm life and in domestic economy, and a dairy school. (6) The College of Law, giving a three years' course, leading to the degree of bachelor of laws. (7) The department of medicine, including (a) the College of Medicine and Surgery, and (b) the College of Homœopathic Medicine and Surgery, with four-year courses, leading to the degree of doctor of medicine; (c) the College of Dentistry, with a three years' course, leading to the degree of pharmaceutical chemist; and (d) the College of Pharmacy, with a two or three years' course, leading to the degree of pharmaceutical chemist. Under the control of the university authorities are also the State Agricultural Experiment Station and the Geological and Natural History Survey. The degrees conferred for graduate work are the master's degree in arts, science, laws, and pharmacy, and the doctor's degree in philosophy, civil law, medicine, and pharmacy. No honorary degrees are conferred. Students are admitted on examination or on certificate from accredited schools of the State. Tuition is free in all departments except law and medicine. In 1902 the faculty numbered 275 and the attendance was 3656, of whom 1042 were women. Of this number the College of Science, Literature, and the Arts had 1179 students. The general library contained 84,000 volumes, and there were special libraries in connection with the various departments of instruction. The laboratories are extensive and well equipped. There is a herbarium, with over 200,000 specimens, and a museum. There is no dormitory system except in connection with the department of agriculture. The university grounds comprise about forty-five acres, valued at $350,000. The buildings are eighteen in number and are valued at over $950,000, and their equipment at about $275,000. The State experimental farm consists of 250 acres between Minneapolis and Saint Paul and is valued at $300,000. The buildings and equipment of the department of agriculture are estimated at over $300,000. The university is supported by the income of its permanent endowment of national lands, a State tax of three-twentieths of a mill, and special legislative appropriations for buildings and equipment. The gross income for 1902, exclusive of special appropriations, was $400,000. The endowment was $1,368,814, and the value of all the university property $3,340,000. The president after 1884 was Cyrus Northrop.