The New International Encyclopædia/Randegger, Alberto
RANDEGGER, riin'deg-ger. Alberto (1832— ). An Austrian-English composer, born at Triest. He was a pupil of Lafont in piano, and of Luigi Ricci in composition, and with two other young composers, produced two ballets and an opera, II Lazzuioue, in 1852. In 1854 he produced his opera Bianca Vupello at Brescia. As teacher of singing in London, where he settled about 1855, he became well known, and in 18U8 was appointed professor of singing at the Rojal Academy of Music. In 1857 he conducted Italian opera at the Saint James's Theatre, and was nuisical director of the Carl Rosa Opera Cona- pan_y from 1879 to 1885; and, upon the resigna- tion of Benedict in 1881, became conductor of the Norwich ilusical Festival. He wrote a comic opera. The Rival Beauties (1864); a dramatic cantata, Fridolin (1873) ; two scenas for soprano and orchestra, Medea (18G9) and Happlio (1875) ; the loOth Psalm for soprano solo, choir, orchestra, and organ, which was given at the Boston ilusical Festival in 1872; Funeral An- them, in memory of the Prince Consort ; numerous other vocal pieces; and a well-known Primer of Ringing.