
The New International Encyclopædia/Reuss, Eduard Wilhelm Eugen

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Edition of 1905. See also Edouard Guillaume Eugène Reuss on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1615950The New International Encyclopædia — Reuss, Eduard Wilhelm Eugen

REUSS, Eduard Wilhelm Eugen (1804-91). An Alsatian Protestant theologian. He was born at Strassburg, July 18, 1804, was educated at the seminary of his native town, studied theology and Oriental philology at Göttingen, Halle, and Paris, and took orders in the French Protestant Church. He returned to Strassburg as privat-docent, was made professor extraordinary at the university in 1834, and held different positions there till 1888. He died April 15, 1891. His principal works are: Die Geschichte der heiligen Schriften des neuen Testaments (1842; 6th ed. 1887; Eng. trans. 1884); Histoire de la théologie chrétienne au siècle apostolique (1852; 3d ed. 1864; Eng. trans. 1872-74); Histoire du canon des Saintes Ecritures (1862; Eng. trans. 1884); Die Geschichte der heiligen Schriften des Alten Testaments (1881; 2d ed. 1890). He was one of the editors of the great edition of Calvin's works (59 vols., 1869-1900), and published a complete French translation of the Bible with commentaries (19 vols., 1875-81). Consult the memorial address by Lobstein (Strassburg, 1891).