The New International Encyclopædia/Saltillo

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Edition of 1905. See also Saltillo on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

SALTILLO, sȧl-tēl′yṓ, or Leona Vicario. The capital of the State of Coahuila, Mexico, situated on the plateau 5200 feet above sea-level and 45 miles southwest of Monterey, on the Mexican National Railroad (Map: Mexico, H 5). It is regularly laid out, and has a handsome church, a college, an athenæum, and the Madero Institute, containing a library. The chief industries are the manufacture of blankets and shawls, cotton cloth, and flour. The town is an important trade centre. Population, in 1895, 26,801. Saltillo was founded in 1586 as an outpost against the Apaches. Near the city is Buena Vista, the scene of a battle between the Mexican and the United States forces in 1847.