The New International Encyclopædia/Savannah River

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Edition of 1905. See also Savannah River on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

2204726The New International Encyclopædia — Savannah River

SAVANNAH RIVER. A river forming the boundary between Georgia and South Carolina. It rises in the Blue Ridge, and flows southeast, entering the Atlantic Ocean through the Tybee Roads, after a course of 450 miles (Map: Georgia, D 2). Its upper course is rapid, and the river carries a great deal of silt, which is deposited near its mouth in low islands and spits, dividing the river into narrow channels. The entrance is being extensively improved by means of jetties, and a 26-foot channel will be secured to the city of Savannah, 18 miles from the sea. The river is navigable for small steamers 230 miles to Augusta.