The New International Encyclopædia/Siemering, Rudolf
SIEMERING, zē'me-rĭng, Rudolf (1835—). A German sculptor, born at Königsberg. Having frequented the academy there, he studied afterwards under Bläser in Berlin, where his first important work was the marble statue of King William, for the Exchange, and where, in 1882, he completed the handsome monument to Dr. Gräfe, the famous oculist. This was preceded by the monument of Frederick the Great (1877) at Marienburg and followed by the statue of Luther (1883) at Eisleben and the “War Monument” (1888) on the Market Square at Leipzig, his principal work. Besides the “Washington Memorial” at Fairmount Park, Philadelphia (1883, unveiled 1897), there are to be noticed the equestrian statue of William I. (1897) at Magdeburg, and in Berlin the heroic statue of William I. (1892) in the Hall of the Rulers, at the Arsenal, the group in bronze of “Saint Gertrude” (1896) on the Gertraudt Bridge, and the marble group of “Frederick William I.” (1900) in the Sieges-Allée.