The New International Encyclopædia/Storm, Gustav
STORM, stôrm, Gustav (1845-1903). A Norwegian historian, born at Lom. He studied at Christiania, where he became professor of history in 1887. His publications, which include a large number of articles in German and Scandinavian journals, deal chiefly with early Scandinavian history. They include Sagnkredsene om Karl den Store og Didrik af Bern (1874), Kritiske bidrag til vikingetidens historie (1878), and a translation of Snorre Sturlasson's Kongesagaer (1897), on which he had previously written his Snorre Sturlassons historieskrivning (1873). He also edited the important Monumenta historica norvegica (1880). In 1900 the Norwegian Storthing appropriated twenty thousand kroner for a popular edition of Storm's Dano-Norwegian rendering of the Heimskringla, which had appeared in 1886-89.