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The New Student's Reference Work/Agesilaus

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See also Agesilaus II on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

Agesilaus (ä-ges′ĭ-lā′ŭs), one of the most warlike of the kings of Sparta. Though not the lawful heir, he became king in 398 B. C., and reigned 38 years. He was small, lame and mean-looking, but had a wonderful amount of energy. His first war against the Persians, whom he defeated in Asia Minor, led to his forming the project of entering the heart of the Persian Empire, which Alexander the Great afterward carried out. But he had to give up the attempt in order to defend Sparta against her enemies at home. In the later years of his life Sparta lost her power, but he remained faithful, and devoted his fortune to her service. He died at the age of eighty on the coast of Africa, while returning from a last effort against his enemy, Persia.