The New Student's Reference Work/Akron
Ak'ron, Ohio, a city, the ccunty seat of Summit County, and a large manufacturing, shipping and railroad center, 35 miles south of Cleveland. Incorporated in 1836, the city is on the Ohio Canal, the Pennsylvania, Erie, Baltimore & Ohio and other railroads. It has coal mines in its vicinity and large industries within it, including one of the largest printing and publishing establishments in the world, match and rubber goods factories, flour and other cereal mills, boiler and mining machinery works, besides cordage, pottery and sewer-pipe, mower a,nd reaper works, a lithographic plant, etc. Buchtell College, of the Universalist denomination, has its seat here, with 20 instructors and 300 students, while there are good public school facilities, a public library, a hospital and efficient police and fire protection. In the neighborhood, reached by train service, are a number of attractive lake resorts. Pop. (1910) about 69,067.