The New Student's Reference Work/Algoma
Algo′ma, one of the northern districts of the province of Ontario, offers great attractions for settlers. Contains millions of acres of productive land easily reached, very suitable for live stock and dairying. Bounded by the district of Nipissing on the east. It includes the Temiskaming settlement. Its northern boundary is that of the province itself, viz.: Hudson Bay and the Albany River. These two districts of Algoma and Nipissing taken together have an area larger than that of any European country except Russia. These districts are in that belt of the world which has ever been the most famous for the production of grasses, vegetables, fruits and cereals. The important industrial center of Sault Ste. Marie, only 193 miles north from the latitude of Toronto (population 13,000), is in Algoma. The timber and mineral wealth of the district is immense. The richest and most extensive nickel belt in the whole world is in Algoma.