The New Student's Reference Work/Athabasca
Athabas'ca, a former district in northwest Canada, now has the status of a province and is known as Alberta.
Lake Athabasca
[edit]Lake Athabasca, partly in Alberta and partly in Saskatchewan (Canada); area 2,842 miles. River of the same name, 765 miles long, flows into this lake. A considerable stretch of it navigable. Athabasca Landing, a place of some commercial importance, is on its banks. The Athabasca is the most southerly of the rivers that go to make up the Mackenzie basin. It has its source in Yellow Head Pass high up in perpetual snow. It flows easterly and northerly collecting in its course the waters of the Baptiste, Macleod, Freeman, Pembina, Lesser Slave and other streams. It is one mile wide where it empties into Lake Athabasca (Lake of the Hills), and 1,100 miles from its source high up in the Rockies.