The New Student's Reference Work/Aurungzebe
Aurungzeb (ō-rung-zāb'), was the last great emperor of the Mughal dynasty in India. He was born in 1618, and was early appointed by his father as viceroy of the Deccan. Here he gained military experience and at the same time became very rich. In 1657 his father suddenly became sick, and his eldest brother seized power, but Aurungzeb, uniting with a younger brother, defeated him and soon gained complete control. His father, who had recovered, was made a prisoner for life in his own palace. The reign of Aurungzeb was the most brilliant period in the rule of his race. The first ten years were peaceful, and the emperor showed great wisdom in providing for a famine and in putting down a rising of Hindu fanatics. The rise of the Mahratta empire broke in upon his peaceful régime. The generals sent against this new power were defeated, and Aurungzeb had to march to the Deccan and take the field himself. He remained there twenty-two years, ruling an empire which in wealth and population was probably as great as any ever ruled by a monarch. He died in 1707. He liked to be called 'Conqueror of the World', but to show that he ruled as yet but three quarters of it, he used to tear off a corner from every sheet of paper he used in his correspondence.