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The New Student's Reference Work/Catullus, Gaius Valerius

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2343714The New Student's Reference Work — Catullus, Gaius Valerius

Catullus (kȧ-tŭl′ŭs), Gaius Valerius, a celebrated Roman lyric and elegiac poet, supposed to have been born at Verona, Italy, B. C. 87, and to have died about B. C. 54. What is known of his life is chiefly derived from his writings, which consist, to some extent, of amatory poems addressed to one Lesbia, of his journeyings and pleasant home life at a villa (modern Sirmio), on Lake Benacus (now Lago di Garda). He is known to have had Cicero, Cæsar, Cinna and Cornelius Nepos among his intimate friends. He has great versatility and sprightliness, with the Greek lyric spirit and beauty of expression.