The New Student's Reference Work/Chimpanzee

Chimpanzee (chĭm-pan′ zḗ), the best known of the man-like apes, because often seen in captivity, while its nearest relative, the gorilla, is practically unknown outside its natural haunts. It is also related to the orang-outang. It lives in the dense forests of Africa, on the coast of Guinea and in the heart of the continent as far north as the Sudan. It is of black color, with a broad, leathery, reddish-brown face, and attains a height of four or even five feet. It has no tail, and its arms, although long, are not so long in proportion to its body as those of the orang-outang. Its life is largely spent in the trees; when on the ground it often stands upright, and in walking places the knuckles of its hands on the ground, but the legs are bent and there is a forward stoop, so that the chimpanzee does not show its full height when walking. The chimpanzees, like other apes and monkeys, are great imitators, and show considerable intelligence and judgment. In their forest home they feed on berries and other fruits; cultivated bananas are also stolen, and on this account they are hunted by the natives. See Apes.