The New Student's Reference Work/Convolvulus, Wild Morning-Glory
Convolvulus, Wild Morning-Glory, a common white or pink-and-white wild-flower of wayside wall and bank. It is much like the cultivated morning-glory of the home-garden, but is a hardier plant; the flowers are less frail and remain open longer, and it is perennial. It is also called Hedge-Bindweed, also Lady's Nightcap. It grows as far south as North Carolina and west to Nebraska, and blooms from June to August. It is a rapid grower and a great twiner, the Latin name Convolvulus, meaning little twiner. On moonlight nights the flower remains open, giving welcome to visiting moths. To the Convolvulus family belongs the sweet-potato vine; and also a member of this family is that bane of the farmer, dodder, small or field bindweed.