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The New Student's Reference Work/Escanaba

From Wikisource

See also Escanaba, Michigan on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

Escanaba (ĕs′ kȧ-na̤′ bȧ), county-seat of Delta County, Mich., 52 miles northwest of Marinette.  It is on Little Bay de Nouquette, an inlet of Green Bay, and has passenger and freight-steamer connection with all the leading ports on the Great Lakes.  It is important as an iron-shipping point, having five docks for iron-ore and a large one for other products, and, besides, is in the center of a vegetable, grain and lumber-region.  The city has a good public-school system, a high-school, a public library, St. Joseph’s high-school and a national bank.  It is served by the C. & N. W. and the M. & St. P. railways.  Population, 13,194.