The New Student's Reference Work/Fort William
Fort William, situated on the north shore of Lake Superior, is four hundred and twenty-seven miles east of Winnipeg, at the mouth of Kaministiquia River. The river affords a natural harbor where vessels drawing twenty feet of water can sail for five miles, and both of its banks can be used for manufacturing sites. The city's population is about 10,000. It is the lake terminus of the Canadian Pacific and of the Grand Trunk. It also is on the Canadian Northern. The whole northwest is dependent on Fort William for the outlet of its products. Its growth is rapid and safe. Large sums are being spent by the government for improving its harbor, to better the facilities for handling the ever increasing business of the Canadian marine. The Olgilvie Flour-Mills Co., the Canadian Iron and Foundry Co. and other large industrial concerns are located here. The amount of merchandise brought into Fort William by vessel for transshipment is immense.