The New Student's Reference Work/Harrisburg
Har'risburg the capital of Pennsylvania, was founded in 1785, and became the state capital in 1812. It is situated in the midst of beautiful scenery, on the Susquehanna, which is crossed by two bridges for railroads and two for driving. It contains the capitol, state arsenal, state insane asylum and 81 churches, including a Roman Catholic cathedral, with 222 good public-school buildings, and several institutions for higher education, besides state, public and school libraries. The prosperity of Harrisburg is to a large extent due to its facilities for communication with the coal and iron districts of the state. It has a number of blast-furnaces and rolling-mills and large manufactories of steel and iron, including boilers, machinery, nails, files, agricultural implements, engines, cotton goods, flour, bricks, shoes, brooms, gents' furnishings, woolen, knit and silk goods, electrical and plumbers' supplies, furniture, stoves and typewriters are also produced, and there is a large trade in lumber. Harrisburg has the service of seven railroads and two electric street-railways, besides electric interurban lines. Population 64,186.