The New Student's Reference Work/Joachim, Joseph
Joachim (yō′ ȧ-kḗm), Joseph, a celebrated Hungarian violinist and composer. He was born at Kitsee, Hungary, June 28, 1831. He played the violin at the age of five years, and was later taught by Szervacsinsky at Budapest. Later he was the pupil of Boehm, and still later he went to the Conservatorium at Leipsic under the direction of Mendelssohn. Here he studied under David until 1849, when he became leader of the orchestra at Weimar. In 1854 he was appointed conductor of concerts and solo violinist to the king of Hannover. In 1868 he was given charge of the musical school in the Academy of Arts at Berlin. Joachim was recognized as a master of technique. Of his compositions the most notable was his Hungarian Concert, op. II.