The New Student's Reference Work/Laramie City, Wyo.
Laramie (lăr′ȧ-mḗ) City, Wyo., county-seat of Albany County, on the Union Pacific Railroad, has the finest situation of any Wyoming settlement, being 7,122 feet above the level of the sea. It lies 40 miles northwest of Cheyenne, and is a point of supply for widely-scattered ranches and mines, and has large machine shops, rolling mills, glass works and other industries, telephones, electric lights and water-works. It is the seat of the University of Wyoming, the state fish-hatchery, the agricultural experiment station and the state penitentiary. It has admirable public schools, and contains public and college libraries, St. Joseph's Hospital and several churches. It was laid out in April, 1868, when the railroad reached this point. Population 8,237. Fort Laramie was built in 1834 by Sublette, rebuilt two years later by the American Fur Company, and sold to the government in 1849. Laramie Peak rises 11,000 feet.