The New Student's Reference Work/Lee, Henry
Lee, Henry, a Revolutionary soldier, was
born in Virginia, Jan, 29, 1756. He graduuated
at Princeton College, and in 1776 was
appointed a captain of cavalry, and in the
following year joined the main army. His
vigor and ability attracted the attention of
Washington, and his command was soon
distinguished for the rapidity of movement
and soldierly daring which afterward made
Lee's legion so famous and gave him the
name of Light-Horse Harry. In 1786 Lee
was sent to Congress by the Virginia assembly,
and in 1792 he was elected governor
of Virginia. As a member of Congress, at
the death of Washington in 1799, he was
appointed to prepare the eulogy upon the
life and character of his dead chieftain.
His resolutions contained the often quoted
words: “first in war, first in peace and first
in the hearts of his countrymen.” Lee was
in Baltimore in 1814, when the office of
The Federal Republican was sacked by a
mob. He took an active part against them,
and with his friends was placed in jail for
safe-keeping, but the mob broke into the
building and killed or seriously injured all
its inmates. Lee never recovered from his
injuries, and soon made a voyage to the
West Indies in a vain search of health. He
died on March 25, 1818.