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The New Student's Reference Work/Mink

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Mink, a carnivorous animal valued for its fur. It is related to the weasel, but is stouter in the body and has a bushier tail. The European mink is a little smaller than the American mink, and is more northern in its range. The Siberian mink has fur of a clear, tawny-brown color. The American mink is 15 or 20 inches long, with a tail of eight or nine inches, is yellowish-brown or dark-brown in color with a white spot on the chin and sometimes on the chest. The darker the color, the more highly prized the fur. This little animal is still found in wooded lands in widely-scattered portions of North America. It lives along the banks of streams and hunts both in water and on land, either by night or day. It is a great nest-robber, being fond of birds; a famous mouser; eats frogs, fish, lizards, grubs etc.; in winter it chases rabbits over the snowy ground. It can almost equal a fish in swimming, and on land is wonderfully agile, well-able to take care of itself. Its body is long and supple, and, notwithstanding its short legs, it can elude almost any pursuer; taking advantage of every hiding place, disappearing as by magic; it can climb like a squirrel. The young begin life in a cozy home prepared in hollow log or stump, hidden in tall growth near a stream. Or the nest may be in a hole among rocks. Among its enemies the owl may be mentioned with the fox, wild-cat, dog and otter. When cornered, the mink is a foe to be reckoned with.