The New Student's Reference Work/Northwestern University
North′west′ern University, a Methodist Episcopal institution, is at Evanston, Ill., 12 miles north of the center of Chicago. It was first opened in 1855. The university comprises the following departments, each having a distinct faculty of instruction: the college of liberal arts, the medical school, the law school, the school of pharmacy, the dental school, the woman’s medical school, the school of music. Garrett Biblical Institute, though under a separate management, is closely affiliated, and serves as the theological school of the university. The university has a permanent productive endowment of $3,960,000, with an annual income, exclusive of benefactions, of $560,762. The value of its buildings and grounds is $2,096,000. The college library contains 105,200 volumes and 30,000 pamphlets. The faculty numbers 365, and the number of students in degree-conferring departments is 3,863.