The New Student's Reference Work/Norwich
Norwich, the capital of Norfolk, England, a municipal county and parliamentary borough, lies on the Wensum, 114 miles from London, and covers an area of about 10,000 acres. It contains Pull’s Ferry and Bishop’s Bridge (1295), St. Giles’ Hospital (1249), Ethelbert gateway (1300), Guildhall (1413), the music house, Bridewell and Dolphin inn, — all old buildings. It also has a cathedral, founded in 1096, which has a spire 315 feet high. The principal manufactures are crapes, mustard, starch, ironware, and boots and shoes. The city in olden times was often plundered by the Danes, then burned by Sweyn and held by Canute. It has been the seat of 65 bishops. Population 121,493.