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The New Student's Reference Work/Oshkosh, Wis.

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1888222The New Student's Reference Work — Oshkosh, Wis.

Osh′kosh, Wis., the county seat of Winnebago County, is situated at the confluence of the upper Fox and Lake Winnebago in a thickly-settled and fertile region. Being naturally the center of the lumber interests of Fox and Wolf Rivers, it early became commercially important, and now has a population of 33,062. Besides its numerous sawmills, it is noted for its extensive manufactures of sash, doors, blinds, matches, carriages, sleighs, farm wagons, trunks, furniture, agricultural implements, flour, beer, logging tools, grass-twine goods and canned goods. It has fine public schools and churches, several large parochial schools, a state normal school, a state fish hatchery, and three miles north are the northern state hospital for the insane, a county hospital for the incurable insane and the county almshouse. The city has three hospitals, four parks, a beautiful library building of classic design, six banks, one daily paper, three railroads, a line of steamers for lake and river commerce and an electric railway system connecting the city with Neenah, Menasha, Appleton and other places. Near by is Lake Winnebago, 30 miles long and 12 broad, famous for fishing and for beautiful summer resorts.