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The New Student's Reference Work/Pius V

From Wikisource

See also Pope Pius V on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

Pi′us V, originally named Michele Ghislieri, was born of poor parents at Bosco near Milan in 1504, and at 14 entered the Dominican order. His merits were recognized by Pope Paul IV, who appointed him bishop of Sutri and Nepi in 1556 and cardinal in the following year. Being chosen pope in 1566, he labored to restore discipline and morality at Rome, prohibited bullfights and other objectionable amusements, and regulated the taverns. He also zealously maintained the inquisition, and sought to suppress heresy with a strong hand wherever it was found. But the most important event of his pontificate was the expedition which he organized in connection with Spain and Venice against the Turks, which resulted in the great naval victory of Lepanto, Oct. 7, 1571. He died in the following year, and was canonized by Clement XI in 1712.