The New Student's Reference Work/Pontiac
Pontiac (pŏn′tĭ-ăk), chief of the Ottawa Indians, was born about 1712. In 1746 he defended Detroit, then a French settlement, against the attacks of hostile tribes, and he is also said to have led his warriors at Braddock's defeat in 1755. After the French had surrendered Canada, his hatred of the English prompted him to organize a combined attack upon all the English garrisons and settlements with a view to the extermination of what he called “those dogs dressed in red.” The 7th of May, 1763, was selected as the day for the attack, which in most places was successful; but at Detroit, where Pontiac commanded in person, the commander was forewarned, and a five months' siege ensued. Pontiac resorted to every means familiar to savages to reduce the place, but was unsuccessful. Peace was finally made in 1766, Pontiac being forced to submit to British rule. He was killed at Cahokia, Ill., by a drunken Indian in 1769.