The New Student's Reference Work/Quebec

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Quebec, capital of the province of that name, stands on a steep promontory of the St. Lawrence at its junction with St. Charles River, 300 miles from the Gulf of St. Lawrence and 180 below Montreal. Quebec is the most important military position in Canada. The citadel occupies an area of 40 acres and commands a magnificent view. The harbor is spacious, and the docks and tidal basin are perfect specimens of engineering skill. The city is divided into an upper and a lower town. In the latter are the banks, warehouses and stores. In the upper town are the principal residences, public buildings, churches, gardens and retail shops. Toward the west are the thriving suburbs of St. John, St. Louis and St. Roch's. The last has become a place of commercial importance, with immense warehouses and stores. To the southwest of St. John are the Plains of Abraham, the historic battlefield, where a column 40 feet in height has been erected to the memory of General Wolfe. Another monument in the city is dedicated to Wolfe and Montcalm. Champlain and Bishop Laval are similarly honored. Four martello-towers occupy elevated positions. In the upper town is Dufferin Terrace, 1,140 feet long and 200 feet above the water, commanding a noble view. Three handsome modern gates have replaced the old gates. Principal buildings: Courthouse, postoffice, custom-house, city-hall, Laval University, masonic hall, basilica, archepiscopal palace, Anglican and French cathedrals, Church Hall, Young Men's Christian Association building and parliamentary and department buildings. Quebec is connected with all cities in America by lines of railroad, and on the St. Lawrence is, with Montreal, at the head of ocean-steamship navigation to Europe. Population 182,000. Consult G. Mercer Adam's Illustrated Quebec and Doughty's Quebec Under Two Flags.