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The New Student's Reference Work/Quin, James

From Wikisource

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Quin, James, a celebrated actor of Irish descent, was born at London in 1693, and made his first appearance on the stage at Dublin in 1714. Shortly after, he was engaged at Drury Lane, London, but for quite inferior parts. In 1716, however, the sudden illness of a leading actor led to Quin being called to take the character of Bajazet in the once-famous play of Tamerlane. His success was marked. Next year he went to Rich's Theater at Lincoln's Inn Fields, where he remained as a principal actor for 17 years. The only really fine parts which he seems to have played were Captain McHeath in the Beggar's Opera and Falstaff in The Merry Wives of Windsor. In 1734 he returned to Drury Lane Theater "on such terms," says Cibber, "as no hired actor had before received;" and from this date until the appearance of Garrick in 1741 he was by universal consent the first actor in England. He died at Bath, Jan. 21, 1766.