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The New Student's Reference Work/Sesostris

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See also Sesostris on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

Sesostris (sē̇-sŏs′trĭs), the Greek name of a celebrated Egyptian king. According to the Greek accounts, Sesostris at the head of a large army invaded Libya, Arabia, Asia, Europe, Thrace and Scythia, leaving a colony at Colchis on his way home. In the south he conquered Ethiopia, and by means of his fleet on the Red Sea got possession of the neighboring islands and widened his dominions to India itself. Captives in great numbers were put to work on temples, canals and mounds. Sesostris is said to have gone blind after a reign of 33 years, and to have taken his own life. Just who this great conqueror was is a puzzle. The most reasonable explanation is that his doings are the confused exploits of Sethos I and Rameses II.