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The New Student's Reference Work/Shishak

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Shishak (shī′shăk), the name of several kings of Egypt belonging to the 22d or Bubastite dynasty (10th century B. C.). The name of Shishak or Sheshonk I is found on the porch of the great temple of Karnak and on several statues of a goddess, which probably came from Luxor. Jereboam, it is recorded in Kings, fled to Shishak when Solomon wished to kill him, and on his return became king of the new kingdom of Israel, which was formed by the ten tribes revolting from Rehoboam. Shishak marched against Rehoboam in the fifth year of his reign, and took Jerusalem and the treasures of the temple. This conquest of Jerusalem is recorded on the monuments of Karnak, where Shishak is represented as dragging before his god, Ammon, three rows of prisoners, marked with the names of such places as Judaea, Megiddo and Ajalon.