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The New Student's Reference Work/Tasmania

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Tasmania (tăz-mā′nĭ-ȧ), (formerly known as Van Diemen’s Land), is an island lying south of Victoria, Australia and separated from it by Bass Strait. It is one of the original states of the Commonwealth of Australia (q. v.). The colony is a British possession, and at the beginning of the century was a penal settlement. Transportation of criminals to it ceased in 1853. Its area is 26,385 square miles, including Macquarie, divided into 18 counties. The aborigines are extinct. The capital is Hobart, on the south of the island, with a population of 24,655. The other chief town is Launceston (18,077). The principal occupations are agriculture and stock-raising; wool, wheat, hay and oats being the chief exports. Fruit is successfully cultivated, especially apples and pears, which in size, appearance and variety surpass those of Britain. The climate is healthy and temperate. The island contains tin, coal, gold and silver. Education is unsectarian, and compulsory for all children between seven and fourteen. Government is exercised by a responsible ministry, with a parliament consisting of two chambers. A resident governor represents the crown. Population about 190,000.