- Telescope
- Teleutospore
- Tell, William
- Teller, Henry Moore
- Temiskaming Lake
- Tempe, Vale of
- Temperance
- Temperature
- Tempest, The
- Templars, Knights
- Temple, Tex.
- Temple, Frederick
- Temple of Karnak
- Temple of Luxor, The
- Tendril
- Tenements
- Tenerife
- Teniers, David
- Tennessee
- Tennessee (river)
- Tennessee, University of
- Tennis
- Tennyson, Alfred
- Terence, Pulius Terentius Afer
- Terhune, Mary Virginia
- Thirty Tyrants, The
- Thirty Years War
- Thistle
- Thomas a Kempis
- Thomas, Saint
- Thomas, George Henry
- Thomas, Theodore
- Thomasville, Ga.
- Thompson, Sir Benjamin
- Thompson, Launt
- Thompson, Richard Wigginton
- Thomson, James
- Thomson, Joseph John
- Thomson, Sir William
- Thor
- Thoreau, Henry David
- Thorn
- Thorwaldsen, Albert Bertel
- Thrace
- Thrasher
- Thread
- Three Rivers, Can.
- Threshing Machine
- Throwing the Hammer
- Thrush