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The New York Times/1901/08/01

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"All the News That's
Fit to Print."

The New York Times

Copyright, 1901, by the New York Times Company.

The Weather.

Fair; moderate temperature: light westerly winds

Vol. L…No. 16,089

New York, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1901.—TWELVE Pages.

One Cent In Greater New York, Jersey
City, and Newark
Two Cents.


Stocks weak. Financial Affairs.—Pages 8 and 9

Wheat, No. 2 red, 76c; corn. No. 2 mixed, 58⅛c; oats, No. 2 mixed, 38c; cotton, middling; 8 1–16c; iron, Northern, No. 1 foundry, $15.25; butter, Western creamery, 30½ c. Commercial World.—Page 9.

Amusements.—Page 7.

Arrivals at Hotels and Out-of-Town Buyers—Page 3.

Business Troubles.—Page 5.

Court Calendars.—Page 9.

Insurance Notes.—Page 8.

Legal Notes.—Page 12.

Losses Fire.—Page 2.

Marine Intelligence and Foreign Mails.—Page 5.

New Corporations.—Page 8.

Railroads.—Page 2.

Real Estate.—Page 10.

Society—Page 7.

United Service.—Page 7.

Weather Report.—Page 3.

Yesterday's Fires.—Page 2.