The New York Times/1901/08/01
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Stocks weak. Financial Affairs.—Pages 8 and 9
Wheat, No. 2 red, 76c; corn. No. 2 mixed, 58⅛c; oats, No. 2 mixed, 38c; cotton, middling; 8 1–16c; iron, Northern, No. 1 foundry, $15.25; butter, Western creamery, 30½ c. Commercial World.—Page 9.
Amusements.—Page 7.
Arrivals at Hotels and Out-of-Town Buyers—Page 3.
Business Troubles.—Page 5.
Court Calendars.—Page 9.
Insurance Notes.—Page 8.
Legal Notes.—Page 12.
Losses Fire.—Page 2.
Marine Intelligence and Foreign Mails.—Page 5.
New Corporations.—Page 8.
Railroads.—Page 2.
Real Estate.—Page 10.
Society—Page 7.
United Service.—Page 7.
Weather Report.—Page 3.
Yesterday's Fires.—Page 2.
Articles (not listed in original)
- Senator Platt Did Not Dine with Governor Odell
- British Warship Ashore?
- Killed While Making a Raid
- Americans Allege Mexican Outrage
- Canada and Reciprocity
- Miner Makes Rich Strike
- Hurt in Runaway Accident
- New Ship for Cunard Line
- Alabama Interests Consolidated
- Advertisement—Berkeley Arms
- Train Robbers Blow Open Wrong Cars
- Americans Want Lease of a British Railway
- Low Freight from Canada to Glasgow
- Advertisement—New York Central
- Bryanites Convene in a Columbus Bedroom
- Mr. Babcock's Tariff Bill
- Schoolgirls as Smugglers
- Had Tobacco in Her Trunk
- Advertisement—Hygeia Hotel
- Capt. Diamond Stood By His Detective
- Big Tree for Big Fair
- To Tax the Sugar Trust
- To Fight Quay Machine
- Advertisement—Burnett's Vanilla Extract
- America's Gold Fund Largest in the World
- Rash Marriage Prevented
- Signor Crispi Sinking
- Telegraph Line to Dawson
- Advertisement—Overland Limited
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