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The New York Times/1916/11/22/Aldermen Scan Pay Rises

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Some Voice Objections to Increases Provided For In Budget.

The Aldermen decided yesterday thoroughly to scan the provisions of the 1917 budget allowing salary increases to city employes receiving salaries of $4,000 or more. According to next year’s budget more than 18,000 city employes are to receive increases, totaling $1,147,180.80. This alone would raise the tax rate for the year one and one-half points. The Aldermanic Board has the power to cut down in the budget, but they may be restored by the Mayor. It takes a two-thirds vote of the Aldermen to override the Mayor’s veto.

Alderman McGarry of Greenpoint introduced yesterday a resolution to the effect that no city employe now receiving $4,000 or more a year should get an increase. He said many of the other Aldermen opposed increasing salaries of men now enjoying good incomes from the city. He said:

“When city employes who are being paid small salaries of $1,000 or less have either not been raised or so slightly increased as to be hardly noticed by their families, it is unfair to boost the pay of men getting $4,000 or more.”

The resolution was referred to the Committee on Finance.