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The New York Times/1916/11/22/Bryan Sticks to Nebraska

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Intends to Stay There and Keep Up Fight for Prohibition.
Special to The New York Times.

PITTSBURGH, Nov. 21.—William Jennings Bryan passed through here today and scouted the report that he intended to move away from Nebraska.

“Never in the twenty-nine years that I have lived in Nebraska have I been in harmony with so large a majority of the people there on political issues,” he said. “My home shall continue to be there, and there I will vote as long as I live. Mrs. Bryan and I arranged about four years ago to spend our Winters in Florida, and we shall spend part of the Summer in Asheville, N. C., but we shall spend part of the year in Nebraska, and that part will include Election Day.

“We were never more pleased with Nebraska than we are today. I firmly believe I shall have my Stat bhind me in my fight for prohibition. The Democracy of Nebraska was ‘wet’ in the primaries, but with the brewers, distilleries, and saloons closed, the Democracy will be ‘dry.’ We will now begin to build the organization on a ‘dry’ foundation.”