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The New York Times/1925/12/14/Denies Concealing Data

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Inglis Says Coal Commission Examined Operators' Books.

SCRANTON, Pa., Dec. 13 (AP).—Anthracite operators in a statement issued tonight by Major W. W. Inglis, Chairman of the Operators' Wage Negotiating Committee, denied "statements in the press, made by the miners, and at times made by editorial writers," that the operators had refused to allow their records to be scrutinized and were covering the facts concerning the industry by a veil of secrecy. Mr. Inglis's statement follows:

"There have been repeated statements in the press, made by the miners, and at times made by editorial writers, to the effect that the operators have always refused to show their books and that the facts concerning the industry are obscured by a veil of secrecy. This is absolutely untrue. The last survey of the industry was made in 1923 by the United States Coal Commission. Its report, in five volumes, can be obtained from the Government printing office, Washington, D. C.

"The data it contains was not compiled by operators, but was taken from their books by the commission's accountants. In this report will be found figures as to wages, costs, income, profits and all of the things which it is contended are not known."