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The New York Times/1925/12/14/Discuss Applying Article XXII

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Discuss Applying Article XXII.

GENEVA, Dec. 13 (AP).—The Mosul dispute, in which Great Britain and Turkey are at odds, was considered again in a secret session of the Council of the League of Nations today. The League members announce they will persistently continue their efforts for mediation until the last moment.

The indications are that the Council will be forced next week to deliver its arbitral sentence.

It is learned that several members of the Council are attaching importance to Article XXII of the covenant, which favors entrusting detached and backward territories to advanced nations in the form of a mandate.

It declares also that former Turkish territories should be handed over to a mandatory power until able to stand alone, and it emphasizes that the wishes of a community must be the principal consideration in the selection fo the mandatory power.