The New Zealand Gazette/1839/08/21/First Colony of New Zealand

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First Colony of New Zealand.


With power to add to their number,

George Samuel Evans, D.C.L., Chairman.
Hon. Henry Petre.
Captain Daniell.
Dudley Sinclair, Esq.
Francis Molesworth.
Edward Betts Hopper, Esq.
George Dupppa, Esq.
William Swainson, Esq., F.R.S.
Robert Henry Wood, Esq.

Under the above designation a Society has been formed, in connexion with the New Zealand Land Company, and consisting exclusively of heads of families and others, intending to settle permanently in New Zealand on lands purchased from the Company.

The object of this society is to promote co-operation in the numerous measures of preparation requisite for establishing a prosperous settlement.

The Society already numbers a considerable body of gentlemen, who have determined to emigrate with their families and property. Others, who may entertain similar views, are invited to join them. Qualification of a member of the Society, the purchase of 100 acres of land; of a member of the committee, 500 acres; including, in both cases, part of the first town. The greater part of the purchase money to be expended by the Company on the emigration of the purchasers, their families and servants. Members admitted by ballot only.

The Colony will depart in a body during August next, so as to reach their destination about Midsummer (in the southern hemisphere), when the site of the first town will have been determined and prepared for their reception by a preliminary expedition now on its way to New Zealand.

The Committee meets daily at the offices of the New Zealand Land Company, No. 1 Adam Street, Adelphi, where further information may be obtained on application (if by letter, post paid) to the Chairman of the society.