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The North Star (Rochester)/1847/12/03/Rev. Charles Van Loon

From Wikisource

Rev. Charles Van Loon, Pastor of a Presbyterian Church, in Poughkeepsie, died at that place on Sunday evening last, aged 28 years. He was one of the noblest men we ever knew—eloquent, able, pious, and devoted heart and soul to the good of his fellow men. The Temperance Cause had no more effective advocate, and he had just returned from a lecturing tour in Ohio and the broad West, where he had done a great work for Humanity. As a friend of the down-trodden African Race, he had been eminent and untiring; and in every good work, (so far as it seemed such to him) he labored earnestly and ungrudgingly. He was buried on Wednesday from his father's in Albany.—Ought such a man to pass away without a memoir?—Tribune.

The announcement above has overshadowed our spirit with a cloud of melancholy. We were personally acquainted with Charles Van Loon. We became so on this very Western tour, and never was our heart more warmly attached to any man, on so short an acquaintaince. He was not as is above stated, Pastor of a Presbyterian, but a Baptist Church, in Poughkeepsie. He was one of the noble few who dared to separate from the Triennial Convention, and to join the cause of Free Missions, that he might not stain soul by fellowshipping with men-stealers.