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The Oldest English Epic/Chapter 1/Beowulf 03

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The Oldest English Epic
by unknown author, translated by Francis Barton Gummere
Beowulf: III
1310781The Oldest English Epic — Beowulf: IIIFrancis Barton Gummereunknown author


Thus seethed[1] unceasing the son of Healfdene
190with the woe of these days; not wisest men
assuaged his sorrow; too sore the anguish,
loathly and long, that lay on his folk,
most baneful of burdens and bales of the night.

This heard in his home Hygelac’s thane,
195great among Geats, of Grendel’s doings.
He was the mightiest man of valor
in that same day of this our life,
stalwart and stately. A stout wave-walker
he bade make ready.[2] Yon battle-king, said he,
200far o’er the swan-road he fain would seek,
the noble monarch who needed men!
The prince’s journey by prudent folk
was little blamed, though they loved him dear;
they whetted the hero, and hailed good omens.[3]
205And now the bold one from bands of Geats
comrades chose, the keenest of warriors
e’er he could find; with fourteen men[4]
the sea-wood[5] he sought, and, sailor[6] proved,
led them on to the land’s confines.
210Time had now flown;[7] afloat was the ship,
boat under bluff. On board they climbed,
warriors ready; waves were churning
sea with sand; the sailors bore
on the breast of the bark their bright array,
215their mail and weapons: the men pushed off,
on its willing way, the well-braced craft.
Then moved o’er the waters by might of the wind
that bark like a bird with breast of foam,
till in season due, on the second day,
220the curved prow such course had run
that sailors now could see the land,
sea-cliffs shining, steep high hills,
headlands broad. Their haven was found,
their journey ended. Up then quickly
225the Weders’[8] clansmen climbed ashore,
anchored their sea-wood, with armor clashing
and gear of battle: God they thanked
for passing in peace o’er the paths of the sea.
Now saw from the cliff a Scylding clansman,
230a warden[9] that watched the water-side,
how they bore o’er the gangway glittering shields,
war-gear in readiness; wonder seized him
to know what manner of men they were.
Straight to the strand his steed he rode,
235Hrothgar’s henchman; with hand of might
he shook his spear,[10] and spake in parley.
“Who are ye, then, ye arméd men,
mailéd folk, that yon mighty vessel
have urged thus over the ocean ways,
240here o’er the waters? A warden I,
sentinel set o’er the sea-march here,
lest any foe to the folk of Danes
with harrying fleet should harm the land.
No aliens ever at ease thus bore them,
245linden-wielders:[11] yet word-of-leave
clearly ye lack from clansmen here,
my folk’s agreement.—A greater ne’er saw I
of warriors in world than is one of you,—
yon hero in harness! No henchman he
250worthied by weapons, if witness his features,
his peerless presence! I pray you, though, tell
your folk and home, lest hence ye fare
suspect to wander your way as spies
in Danish land. Now, dwellers afar,
255ocean-travellers, take from me
simple advice: the sooner the better
I hear of the country whence ye came.”

  1. How fast-colored this metaphor remained for poets it is hard to say. Certainly “bore” or “suffered” is too pale a rendering.
  2. This verse, rimed in modern fashion, must represent v. 194 of the original, which runs:

    Thæt fram hâm gefrægn Hygelâces thegn. . . .

  3. Literally, “looked about for signs and omens”; but by implication the omens are good. Many of these old customs are preserved in tradition or by record; and the chapter of Tacitus’s Germania is familiar which describes one of them in detail. By Hygelac’s own account (vv. 1994 ff.) the friends of Beowulf did try to hold him back from his perilous undertaking.
  4. In the language of the original, and of modern golf, Beowulf goes on a “fifteen-some,” as one of fifteen.
  5. Ship.
  6. In the Nibelungen Lay one is told that Siegfried—also a slayer of dragons and a winner of gold—is a good sailor (367, 3):

    Die rehten wazzersträze sint mir wol bekant.

    In the next stanza the start of the ship is described; and Siegfried himself helps to push off from shore, using “a pole.”
  7. That Is, since Beowulf selected his ship and led his men to the harbor.
  8. One of the auxiliary names of the Geats, who by the reckoning of Bugge, Gering, and others, were Jutes. Jutland, says Gering, is truly called the Wettermark, “the land of storms.” Others, a majority, put Geatland in Sweden.
  9. Possibly some unconscious reminiscence is here of the Roman coastguard who once patrolled the Saxon Shore. Saxon pirates would well remember him. The stone-paved street (below, v. 320) points to similar traditions.
  10. Literally, “main-wood,” “strength-wood.”—The warden is not alone, but has with him an armed guard. See v. 293.
  11. Or: Not thus openly ever came warriors hither; yet . . .