The Origin and Development of the Bengali Language/Part 1/Abbreviations
A.C. = After Christ.
Ap. = Apabhraṅśa.
Arab. = Arabic.
ASB. = Astatic Society of Bengal, Calcutta.
B.C. = Before Christ.
B., Beng. = Bengali.
Bib. Ind. = Bibliotheca Indica Series, ASB.
Bib. Nat. = Bibliothéque Nationale, Paris.
BSOS. = Builetin of the Sehvol of Oriental Studies, London.
Coll. = Colloquial.
DMG. = Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft, Berlin.
Drav. = Dravidian.
E. = East, Eastern.
EB. = East Bengal, East Bengali.
eMB. = Early Middle Bengali.
eMIA. = Early Middle Indo-Aryan.
Ep. Ind. = Epigraphia Indica.
Hind. = Hindōstānī.
IA. = Indo-Aryan.
IAnt. = Indian Antiquary, Bombay.
IE. = Indo-European.
IF. = Indogermanische Forschungen, Berlin.
I.-Ir. = Indo-Iranian.
JA. = Journal Asiatique, Paris.
JAOS. = Journal of the American Oriental Society, New Haven.
JASB. = Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, Calcutta.
JBBRAS. = Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society.
JBORS. = Journal of the Bihar and Orissa Research Society, Patna.
JRAS. = Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, London.
KKC. = ‘Kavi-kaŋkaṇa Caṇḍī,’ Vaŋga-vāsī edition.
Langue Marathe = ‘La Formation de la Langue marathe’ by Jules Bloch, Bibliothéque de l’E´cole des Hautes E´tudes, Paris, 1919.
LSI. = Linguistic Survey of India.
IMB. = Late Middle Bengali.
lMIA. = Late Middle Indo-Aryan.
Māg. = Māgadhī.
MB. = Middle Bengali.
MIA. = Middle Indo-Aryan.
MSL. = Mémoires de la Société de Linguistique, Paris.
N. = North, Northern.
NB. = New Bengali.
N.E. = North-East, North-Eastern.
NIA. = New Indo-Aryan.
N.W. = North-West, North-Western.
OB. = Old Bengali.
OIA. = Old Indo-Aryan.
OWR. = Old Western Rājasthānī.
Pers. = Persian.
Pers.-Arab. = Perso-Arabic.
Pkt. = Prakrit.
S. = South, Southern.
Śaur. = Śaurasēnī.
SBE. = Sacred Books of the East Series, Oxford.
S.E. = South-East, South-Eastern.
ŚKK. = ‘Śrī-Kŗṣṇa-Kīrttana,’ edited by Basanta-Rañjana Rāya, VSPd., Bengali year 1323.
Skt. = Sanskrit.
SPd. = Sāhitya Pariṣad.
Stand. = Standard.
sts., stss. = sermi-tatsama, semi-tatsamas.
S.W. = South-West, South-Western.
tbh., tbhs. = tadbhava, tadbhavas.
ts., tss. = tatsama, tatsamas.
U.P. = United Provinces of Agra and Oudh.
VSP. = ‘Vaŋga Sāhitya Paricaya’ or Typical Selections from Early
Bengali Literature, Two Volumes, Calcutta University, 1914.
VSPd. = Vaŋgīya Sāhitya Pariṣad, Calcutta.
VSPdP. = ‘Vaŋgīya Sāhitya Pariṣad Patrikā.’
W. = West, Western.
ZDMG. = Zeitsehrift der Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft, Leipzig.