The Overland Monthly/Volume 9
Overland Monthly
Volume IX.

Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1872, by
In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.
San Francisco:
Printed by John H. Carmany & Co.
countries and that obtained by domestic culture is so marked and so strongly in favor of the domestic production, that we may be almost justified in saying that those who have never eaten any but the imported olive do not know the true delicacy of the olive's flavor. The difference is probably attributable to the respective ages of the fruit at the time of picking. That received from abroad seems to have been gathered from the tree while yet hard, tough, and acrid, and before it had developed any consid erable amount of oil; while the olive has attained its sweetest, most luscious con dition for pickling when its color is ap proaching a brownish maroon. It is then mellow and rich in oil, and has parted with a great deal of its acridity. There is a bitter flavor, however, asso ciated with the olive in all its stages of growth, which is extracted previous to pickling, by steeping the berries for about five days in fresh, cold water. It is nec essary that the water should be changed every day, and this is most conveniently accomplished by putting the berries in a cask, from which, when desired, the stale water can be discharged by means of a spigot. The process is more per fect, however, if the spigot be allowed to remain unclosed and the cask constant ly replenished by a stream of running water. At the end of five or six days, the olives are transferred to jars con taining a strong brine, and in a few months are ready for use. The Span ish mode of pickling requires the addi tion to the brine of a profusion of sliced onions, garlic, and Chilean peppers—a strong decoction of flavors, yet produ cing pickles by no means unpleasant to the taste. The olive is wholesome, and is said to contain all the qualities necessary to nutrition. It is designated by the native Californians as being "both bread and meat;" and among them it is not un common for persons to spend whole
days, sustained, and sustained well, on nothing more than a quart of pickled olives. Olive -culture, it is anticipated, will prove a lucrative business in the county of Santa Barbara and elsewhere on the southern coast of California. The labor required in its cultivation, compared to that demanded by ordinary field and garden farming, is trifling. The tree, at five years of age, returns a slight rec ompense for care; and at seven an or chard should afford an average yield of about twenty gallons of berries to a tree. If there are seventy trees to an acre, there should be obtained from it one thousand four hundred gallons of ber ries. From twenty gallons of berries may be extracted three gallons of oil; and, if properly manufactured, olive oil will command $4 to $5 a gallon, at whole sale. Thus, an average yield of olives, derived from an orchard covering one acre of land, will produce about $800 worth of oil. After deducting the entire cost of production and manufacture, a net profit may be anticipated of at least $2 per gallon; and thus, one acre, con taining seventy trees, yielding an aver age of twenty gallons of berries, or the equivalent of three gallons of oil, each, will afford a surplus above all expenses of about $400 a year. Olive-culture is so simple, that any one of ordinary intelligence may engage in it. Its results are such, that any one may find it profitable. As a business, it offers the advantage that it may be carried on at the home; and that a man of culture may engage in it, and yet find intervals for the pursuit of other objects and more varied themes. I speak here merely with reference to olive-culture. The process of manufacturing the oil is an entirely different business, and be longs separate and apart from the culti vation of the olive. In time, it will not be expected, as now, that each grower shall be manufacturer also. As soon |
Overland Monthly
Vol. 9. — OCTOBER, 1872. — No. 4.
Forsake the city. Follow me To where the white caps of a sea Of mountains break and break again,
As bloivn in foam against a star
As breaks the fury of a main —
And there remains, as fixed, as far.
Forsake the people. What are they
That laugh, that live and love, by rule? Forsake the Saxon. What are these That shun the shadows of the trees : The Druid -forests ? ... Go thy way, We are not one. I will not please
You . . . Fare you well, O wiser fool !
But you who love me . . . Ye who love
TJie shaggy forests, fierce delights
Of sounding water -falls, of heights That hang like broken moons above, Believe and follow. We are one ; The wild man shall to us be tame :
The woods shall yield their mysteries ; The stars shall answer to a name, •
And be as birds above the trees.
In the days when my mother, the Earth, was young, And you all were not, nor the likeness of you,
She walked in her maidenly prime among The moonlit stars in the boundless blue.
Then the great sun lifted his shining shield, And he flashed his sword as the soldiers do,
And he moved like a king full over the field,
And he looked, and he loved her brave and true.
Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1872, by John H. Carmany, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. Vol. IX. — 20. Page:The Overland Monthly volume 9.djvu/304 Page:The Overland Monthly volume 9.djvu/305 Page:The Overland Monthly volume 9.djvu/306 Page:The Overland Monthly volume 9.djvu/307 Page:The Overland Monthly volume 9.djvu/308 Page:The Overland Monthly volume 9.djvu/309 Page:The Overland Monthly volume 9.djvu/310 Page:The Overland Monthly volume 9.djvu/311 Page:The Overland Monthly volume 9.djvu/312 Page:The Overland Monthly volume 9.djvu/313 Page:The Overland Monthly volume 9.djvu/314 Page:The Overland Monthly volume 9.djvu/315 Page:The Overland Monthly volume 9.djvu/316 Page:The Overland Monthly volume 9.djvu/317 Page:The Overland Monthly volume 9.djvu/318 Page:The Overland Monthly volume 9.djvu/319 Page:The Overland Monthly volume 9.djvu/320 Page:The Overland Monthly volume 9.djvu/321 Page:The Overland Monthly volume 9.djvu/322 Page:The Overland Monthly volume 9.djvu/323 Page:The Overland Monthly volume 9.djvu/324 Page:The Overland Monthly volume 9.djvu/325 Page:The Overland Monthly volume 9.djvu/326 Page:The Overland Monthly volume 9.djvu/327 Page:The Overland Monthly volume 9.djvu/328 Page:The Overland Monthly volume 9.djvu/329 Page:The Overland Monthly volume 9.djvu/330 Page:The Overland Monthly volume 9.djvu/331 Page:The Overland Monthly volume 9.djvu/332 Page:The Overland Monthly volume 9.djvu/333 Page:The Overland Monthly volume 9.djvu/334 Page:The Overland Monthly volume 9.djvu/335 Page:The Overland Monthly volume 9.djvu/336 Page:The Overland Monthly volume 9.djvu/337 except force, and could hardly have come at a wiser moment. But its feebleness was so striking that it did us good service in showing how little we had to fear from that quarter, and that it was possible to reinforce the troops at the fort from the idle defenders of the north line. And so— thanks to General Hoke — fresh men aided the tired soldiers in the fight; and freshening musketry told of the tightening of the Federal grip upon Fort Fisher.
The darkness of night had come upon us while busy in the swamp-jungles, and prolonged our work until a late hour, before the line was made whole again, and the details and reliefs properly arranged and provided for. And it was still later when, at last, we got back to the lines and could rest, watching the belated moon rising over the water. And still the angry crash of musketry came swelling up from the fort; and the constant flashing glimmered like heat-lightning.
Presently came an order to collect shovels to be sent to the fort; and, as we busied ourselves about it, there was a new sound from below—a sound like a distant cheer—and again the same sound from the water, as if the sailors on the fleet were cheering:. The musketry, too, had lulled—was now, at last, silent; and the heat-lightning glimmered no more. What was it? At once, the southern sky seemed full of rockets and many colored lights; and, as the showers of red, white, and blue stars fell into the sea, we knew that the navy was proclaiming Victory!
Victory!—and we proclaimed it, too, bursting into full-throated sympathy, in the contagion of rejoicing, till sea and shore, and the tall, solemn pines, echoed back wilder and heartier cheering than had ever before disturbed a midnight at Federal Point. Our men wanted to leap their breastworks and march on Wilmington at once, midnight as it was, in the fullness of their joy and soldierly ardor.
And so fell Fort Fisher! and with it many an English blockade -running house, and the ephemeral prosperity of Nassau. Our navy gained a fleet of ships that had been tossing perilously off the dangerous mouths of the Cape Fear for four years; and the South lost her supply of foreign arms and clothing and medicines, her active foreign sympathy and her export trade in cotton, and Wilmington—her only mart — was closed at last.
IN 1863 Gopherton was outgrowing its period of placer-mining, roughs, vigilantes, gamblers, and adventurers of every sort. It was, in fact, fast gaining a reputation for solid business prosperity, good -living, piety, and handsome women. It had so far progressed in nineteenth - century civilization that it boasted three churches with paid ministers—one extremely "fashionable"—and dispensed entirely with the ill-compensated labors of home missionaries. Instead of those unseemly revels which tradition imputed to its earlier days, ladies' lunch-parties, church-festivals, and Sunday- schqpl picnics were among its fashionable recreations.
The 12th of May had been set apart for one of these latter. The weather was as bright and sparkling as only California May days can be. 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