The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 1/The Paradise of Palladius/The Histories of the Holy Men/History 57

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Palladius of Galatia3928269The Paradise, Volume 1, Book 1, The Paradise of Palladius, The Histories of the Holy Men — 57 The History of Kapiton1907Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge

Chapter LVII: Of The Blessed Man Kapiton

NOW by the side of this man there used to dwell Kapiton, a man who had been formerly a thief, and he had lived in holes in the rocks for fifty years, [at a place] which was about four miles from Antinoë; he never went down from his cave, not even to the river Nile, for he used to say that he was unable to meet in the congregation of the children of men him that still fought with him, namely, his Adversary.